Training = Healthcare Seminar NEW 2025 DATES!
May 31-June 1, 2025: Training = Healthcare
September 21-22, 2025: Training = Healthcare BRAND NEW PART 2!
BOTH in Newport Beach, CA
Old Bull Athletics’ Head Physical Therapist Dr. Katie Dabrowski, PT, DPT, CSCS presents a 2-day educational course specifically designed to elevate trainers to understand their role as healthcare providers, learn the fundamentals of pain science, and actionable ways to manage pain during training sessions within the training scope of practice.
We’re excited to announce that our Training = Healthcare weekend seminar now has a BRAND NEW PART 2 to be released in 2025!
Approach training knowing you are a valued member of the healthcare team. As a personal trainer, coach, and rehab provider, you spend more one-on-one time – for weeks, months, even years – with your client than they spend with any other healthcare provider. That means you have the biggest opportunity to impact their overall health and wellness – and that’s huge.
With this elevated role in healthcare, there’s a lot of grey area trainers and rehab providers deal with when it comes to clients experiencing and understanding aches, pains, and injuries. It’s our goal to help create a clearer picture of how to manage these issues within a training and rehab scope of practice so you can provide the safest and most optimal experience for your clients.
With Training = Healthcare, we’ll dive into the fundamentals of pain science – like how the brain impacts our perception of pain, what is different in chronic vs. acute pain, how all pain doesn’t mean tissue damage, and how we can better educate our clients on these matters. We’ll discuss red flags that would warrant referral to another specialist or provider, how to adjust movements within a session in real time for pain that pops up, what types of pain we can train through vs. modify, and progressions/regressions to introduce clients to previously painful positions. We’ll explore myths and misconceptions of pain and injury and how to navigate misinformation. We’ll also learn how to make sure our training meets the demands of what our clients like to do – things outside of the gym like running or playing recreational sports.
What to expect:
Training = Healthcare: Part 1:
Training = Healthcare: Part 2:
Dr. Katie Dabrowski, PT, DPT, CSCS is a physical therapist and strength coach whose passion for disrupting the traditional model of physical therapy led her to Old Bull Athletics to create a 100% individualized, one-on-one treatment model that meets patients where they fall along the spectrum of wellness: injury prevention, performance, recovery, or injury rehabilitation. With a research and university-level teaching background in neuroscience, she strives to utilize neurological principles to maximize outcomes in rehab and performance. Her passion is to promote higher quality healthcare along the spectrum of training and rehab, to dispel myths that run rampant in the health and wellness industry, and to promote a sense of resiliency rather than fragility among both clients and healthcare providers.